Friday, March 9, 2007

March exhibition starts today

A new collective of artists are showing their works at the Fettlers Shed Gallery starting today.
Pictured is Graeme Jones, well known local artist, with a piece that is due for judging in this years Royal Easter Show. Entitled "Merging Traffic", it is one of four works he has on display.
Last year Graeme received at first place in the Royal Easter Show for his work entitled "Willowfield" in the class 10 rural subject division.
Other artists involved in the collective are Ken Atfield, Ray Cooper, Angela Jones, Josina Metcalfe, and Mike Nolan.
The works displayed cover a wide range of subject matter ranging from portraits to Landscapes.
Well worth a visit as this is some of the most professional work you will see gathered in one gallery.
Open from 10 -4pm, weekends, for the next six weeks.